Play is learning and PLANKS play, in all its forms, is a valuable medium for authentic learning.
At Green Hat Workshop we specialise in making this learning as clear as possible and in optimising opportunities for learning of different types.
Because open ended, play-based learning is cognitive in nature, multidimensional, intuitive and often invisible, this work can be challenging. We continue to do our best and hope that, with your help, we can provide a valuable resource for all teachers and parents who want to understand the great value in play-based learning, block play and loose parts play.
We pride ourselves, at Green Hat Workshop, on running experiences which authentically fit with the abilities and interests of all participants and with the values of their communities.
We welcome the opportunity to work with teachers in tailoring a workshop to fit with preplanned class’ investigations and curriculum outcomes.
Our experience shows that the authentic manner in which participants practice and develop a wide range of skills during the course of open ended play provides the greatest value. Open ended play is therefore a feature of our work.
Curriculum design principles and PLANKS play
Challenge and enjoyment: PLANKS play is active. It engages and motivates people of all ages who are open to play experience.
Coherence: PLANKS play brings many strands of learning into an experience that has meaning and purpose to the participant. It is holistic where physical, social, cognitive and emotional development is happening simultaneously.
Relevance: PLANKS play provides a real world context to the experience of being present for children, teenagers and play-ers of all ages.
Personalisation and choice: choice about how to play and with whom.
Breadth: a resource with no defined way of being used provides almost infinite possibilities. The opportunities are further extended through the staging of regular construction events where abundant PLANKS are available and a culture of student empowerment and trust is prevelant.
Depth: PLANKS play-ers can focus on a key passion or interest, developing a depth of knowledge and skills. This could be
imaginative contexts or practical skills such as involved city mapping or structural representations of objects, characters or places.
Progression: The provision of extended periods of time, enabled by deep and extended engagement with PLANKS, enables play-ers to create and recreate as repetitively as necessary, learning at their own pace and celebrating authentic perseverance in the aquisition of new skills and understandings, taking time to practice a growth mindset while experiencing the ebb and flow of play themes and interests.
Analyse, Understand, Communicate and Build Relationships
Speaking and listening (Language)
Open ended play, as a shared experience, draws upon a wide range of speaking and listening skills and is commonly characterised by an almost euphoric engagement with the task.
During an open ended PLANKS workshop participants of all ages are motivated by a natural desire to create and solve their own challenges. Working within the restriction of time, materials and energy, they quickly find it necessary to negotiate with and to convince their peers to cooperate, in order to be successful.
The component nature of PLANKS authentically draws participants together and those builders who would like to create a taller tower or a larger city, quickly find that many builders make these projects possible.
Convincing peers to participate in ‘your’ project is quickly found to be more challenging than simply sharing ideas, creativity and the ownership of a construction.
Working in this way demands the use of language and conventions of discussion and negotiation; including appropriate body language, volume and tone of voice, personal space, active listening and clarifying of ideas, putting forward a point of view, using inclusive and empathetic language and the development of feedback and judgement skills.
Importantly, the task itself is not instructed to be team building or strictly collaborative. Feedback that peers give eachother is therefore both honest and authentic, as while both parties can simply leave and set up somewhere else, they are motivated to work together to enable taller and larger structures.
A PLANKS workshop is an environment where there is free movement and no task expectation. Peers simply move away from those members of the group who don’t share their vision or communicate it well, or gravitate towards those who offer collaboration and inspiration.
It should also be noted that even participants with a more socially introverted style of behaviour find the lack of collaborative expectation, in open ended play, quite liberating and it is not uncommon for them to work in a more socially integrated way during our workshops as a result.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Language for interaction
- Expressing and developing ideas
- Listen to and respond orally
- Use appropriate interaction
Year 1
- Engage in conversations and discussions
Use interaction skills
Year 2
- Using language to describe actions and consider consequences
- Interaction in discussions, appropriately asserting opinions in discussion
Year 3
- Cooperation with others
- Work in collaborative situations
- Use interaction skills
Year 5
- Clarify and connect understandings and present a point of view
- Use interaction skills
Year 6 & 8
- Participate in discussions
- Use appropriate interaction skills and conventions.
Text use (Literacy)
Using PLANKS to create lettering and to communicate written meaning is not uncommon in a Green Hat workshop. Particularly Foundation and Grade One aged participants demonstrate a need to label, so as to explain their work, and to instruct their peers to “Keep Out” or “Stay Away” from their delicate constructions.
Older participants create more intricate messages of appreciation, or reflection.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Purposes of text
Identify some familiar texts
Create short texts
Reflection and Response (Literature)
Some builders opt for a framework for their creations, seeking inspiration from written text, fictional movie locations or a personal experience. Great effort is usually made to keep the construction true to the text or experience and negotaition then becomes about whether the construction is being successful in this, or not.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Retell familiar literary texts
- Innovate on familiar texts through play.
Year 1
- Recreate texts
Year 2
- Develop key events and characters from literary texts.
Understanding, Fluency, Problem-Solving and Reasoning
The mathematical value of arranging multiple identical shapes freely in a space is that a builder must rely on their intuitive spatial awareness, aesthetic judgement of whether something looks a correct likeness or shape, and also physically balances its weight evenly.
Without the distraction of guides and labelling, and shape, weight and colour variations, builders develop a greater personal understanding of quantity and orientation relationships.
Builders form and deeply strengthen understandings of the physical patterns of quantity increase and decrease, comparison, order and arrangement, as well as the instant recognition of small quantities (subitising) and the relationships between angles and of fractional amounts.
While becoming increasingly valuable in a digital world, the physicality and concrete understandings of these concepts are often neglected, assumed to be consolidated or taught exclusively through abstract symbols from as early as Foundation or Prep Grade.
Playing with blocks at every age, enables a greater level of sophistication in how these concepts are used and offers deeper understanding of their many contexts.
Measurement & Geometry
Making constant camparisons in the size and area of constructions seems to be a common theme in our PLANKS workshops. An open ended PLANKS play activity often contains measurement and a sense of pride in the creation of “The Largest” or “Tallest” structure.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language
Year 1
- Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units
Location and Transformation
A fundamental value in construction play is its role in the development of Spatial Literacy; variously termed Spatial Reasoning and Spatial Cognition. This is the sense of our position in relation to another object, another object’s position to a further object, the prediction of how objects will look when rotated or how they may look from a viewpoint other than our own. There is always a section devoted to this type of thinking in standardised maths tests. It is used in map reading, design communication, theatre staging and in a wide range of physical skills.
Drawing on the aesthetic values of balance and pattern, builders quickly see what ‘looks right’ and what does not, leading to further understanding of symmetry, ratio, fractions; more commonly displayed in our workshops as flooring, mapping, symmetrical patterning and spirals.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Describe position and movement
Year 1
- Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features
Year 3
- Identify symmetry in the environment
- Identify angles as measures of turn and compare angle sizes in everyday situations
Year 4
- Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies
Year 6
- Investigate combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, with and without the use of digital technologies
Probably the most direct teaching we do at Green Hat Workshop is the identification of the characteristics of our rectangular prism PLANKS in the introduction to our Primary School Maths themed workshops. We also identify some of the basic designs and shapes that can be made using PLANKS and this necessarily requires further description of shape, ie. The difference between a circle and a sphere, how many faces, edges, corners/vertices do they have?
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment
Year 1
- Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features.
Year 2
- Describe the features of three-dimensional objects
Year 3
- Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features
Year 6
- Construct simple prisms and pyramids
Statistics and Probability
The balanced and delicate nature of PLANKS constructions often leads to discussions about chance ratings and what makes their survival more or less likely. Children learn to minimise risk through better and better design.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
Year 1
- Chance Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’
Year 2
- Identify everyday events that involve chance
Science Understanding, Physical Sciences
The primary forces affecting PLANKS constructions are Friction and Gravity. These are the main topics of our introduction to science-based PLANKS workshops, where we discuss the holding power of friction and how it is increased by the weight of mass.
Balance and counter-balance are critically important with towers and bridges and as the sophistication of builders inscreases, so does their understanding of how forces can push and pull to create a variety of shapes.
Play and experiment can also provide a great deal of learning during the deconstruction phase of our workshop.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape
Year 4
- Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance.
Year 7
- Change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced forces, including Earth’s gravitational attraction, acting on the object
Science Inquiry Skills, Questioning and predicting
Assessment of structural integrity.
Victorian Curriculum Outcomes
- Pose and respond to questions about familiar objects and events
Year 1
- Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events
Year 2
- Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events
Year 3
- Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings